January's Scooter Shop Ride.

All the news from Wednesdays ride! All the news from Wednesdays ride!
Last Wednesday (the 18th) The Scooter Shop headed out for its January shop ride and with a range of Piaggio and Vespa scooters, new customers and old alike plus a couple of hang on staff members (we are sure only came for the pizza) it was a fun night had by all.
Leaving from our showroom we were led by Steve on his Piaggio X10 out to the river and along to Wirless Hill Park, a smooth ride with a few twists and turns which you could not help but enjoy.
At Wirless Hill Park it was interesting to see that out of 14 of us not 1 had actually been here before, Steve had planned this ride well! What a great place for a scoot and a picnic im sure a few of us will be back.
It was here that we lost our salesman Dan.
As everyone got ready to go there was a “miscommunication” he claims and as everone left he was still stood trying to take the best photo of the night with no helmet on, no scooter running and no idea where he was going!
30 Kilometers later though and to the ease of evreyones concern and worries he arrived at Blend cafe and pizza bar where everyone was enjoying some laid on pizzas to cheers and joy, or was it applause and mick taking?!
From here we took the scenic route to Dome in Port Coogee and thanks to the shadowing of Penny and Deb, Dan even managed to make it! A quick café latte to round the night off was enjoyed by all and we headed for home, don’t worry Dan made it and back in to work the next day.
This was possibly the best ride yet, thanks for coming along we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, our next one on the 15th February is going to be even better and with a little surprise in store for one of our riders.
Facts and info from the night:
Scooter models attended:
Vespa GTS 300
Vespa Sprint 150
Vespa S 150
Vespa LX 150
Vespa PX 200
Vespa PX 150
Piaggio X10
Piaggio Medley
Piaggio Fly
The Ride:
Left at 5:40pm
Finished 8:45pm
Kilometers 30 (62 for Dan)